Cute Pickup Lines
99 Best Pick Up Lines for Any Situation

Do you want to make the first move but don’t know how?
It can be hard to use the right cheesy pick up lines. Don’t worry, we have 99 cute pick up lines, cheesy pick up lines, and funny pick up lines that will help you get your flirt on!
We have both cute and clever pick up lines for girls as well as cheesy pickup lines for when you like a guy. All these guys are sure to land in one situation or another.
Table Of Contents
Top 10 Questions About Pick Up Lines
Best Pick Up Lines
Corny Pick Up Lines
Funny Pick Up Lines
Cute Pick Up Lines
Romantic Pick Up Lines
Cheesy Pick Up Lines
Pick Up Lines to Use at A Bar
Pick Up Lines to Use at School
Bad Pick Up Lines
ALSO… if you are on a computer you can use the side navigation menu to jump to your favorite cheesy pick up lines.

Top 10 Questions About Pick Up Lines
What are good pick up lines?
A good pick up line has fine written all over it and is one that makes the person smile. It does not have to be a really hard thing to do. You can be cute, you can be funny, or you can just say what your intentions are.

What does “pick up line” mean?
Every bit of conversation can be a “pick up line”. The meaning behind it all depends on what you are trying to say or do. The details are in the fine print.
A pick up line is usually a signal that someone wants to flirt with the person they are talking to.

Why do pick up lines work?
Pick up lines work because they make people feel something. When you say something cute or funny, the person could be flattered and laugh with you–or feel irritated and want to brush the pickup line off. What works for one person might not work for another. Which is to say some of these will drive the right guys crazy.

How do you pick up your crush?
First you need to understand that your chances of being successful with the person are low.
But, if you like them and think they are cute and smart then come on out of your shell!
People love people who can make them laugh. So always be funny and fun to be around.

How do you pick up a guy through text?
Texting can be really good for flirting. It’s an easy back and forth. You can’t really get rejected a lot because it is not face to face.
If you like someone who likes cute texts, send them them!
Things like “I can’t stop thinking about how cute you are” or “You know I’m sort of into you, right?”
These things take time.

What to say to pick up a girl?
Girls are cute and sweet, but they can also be a little tough. Unless the situation calls for it, don’t use a phrase like, “Hey, all my prayers were answered when I saw you in those jeans.”
You should use your wit to show her how much you like her!
Saying a cheesy pick up line like “I’ve been thinking about kissing you” or another cheesy pick up line like “Hey I want to get your number” will set the tone for flirting with this girl.
She’ll at least know that you are not aiming for the friend zone.

Do girls like pick up lines?
It’s not just you. Girls absolutely love cute pick up lines! They can be cheesy or cute, but the funny ones always work.
The cute ones are usually more appropriate for public places, like the library or coffee shop.
The funny ones should be reserved for social settings where people know each other fairly well because they can come off as rude if you don’t have a good sense of humor. Everyone involved should be laughing, not just you.
Girls love to laugh so if you say something that makes them smile then there is a pretty good chance she’ll like it and reciprocate your interest in her.
Just make sure not to use the same line over again because girls will get bored really fast.

Are pick up lines important?
They are extremely important because they are the first conversation you will have with somebody.
If your pick-up line is cute and funny, it’s more likely that they’ll be interested in talking to you because cute and funny things make people happy.
Don’t mess this up and think all you have to do is say your name and how cool you think you are.
A good pick up line important because cute pick up lines evoke an emotional response.
If you can make someone laugh then they will be more likely to talk with you, giving you a chance to impress them and get their phone number or ask for their Snapchat username.
The best way to find out if somebody likes your cute pick-up line is by checking how they react.

Will a pick up line get me a date?
The sole purpose of a pick up line should not be to get a date. However, if you have cute and funny phrase or line, then people are more likely to want talk with you!
If your goal is to get a date or number from somebody then the best lines to use are the cutest pickup lines because girls usually don’t like guys who try too hard.
Funny ones work well for when the person has a good sense of humor and you want to connect.

Will a pick up line get me laid?
Certainly not.
If your goal is to get laid then regular pickup lines will not do the job.
You have to be assertive and confident because cute pick up lines are a start, but they’re just that – a start. Girls want somebody who takes charge and knows what they want.
So if you wanna score with cute or cheesy pick up lines, just be confident and maybe, just maybe you could get lucky.

What to say after a pick up line?
Say something. Literally say anything.
You could say something like, “You know all my prayers were just answered when you smiled at that cheesy pickup line about my last parking ticket.”
If you use a good line and the person responds with a smile or laugh, then it’s good to continue talking.
But if they reject your cute pick-up line like giving it zero attention or just walking away from you after you said something funny, that’s not okay! Be assertive and figure out what happened.
Girls don’t like guys who give up after one cute pick up line, so be sure to keep going!
There is a fine line here, and make sure you know when you have lost and should simply walk away.
Just as there is a such thing as love at first sight, there is also creepy at first glance. Don’t be creepy.

Best Pick Up Lines
- You Look Good. What’s your name?
- I love your smile, can I borrow it for a minute?
- Your pretty face just made my day. Please keep smiling.
- What is up with the weather?
- You seem like a fun person, I want to get to know someone cute just like you!
- Are we just friends or should this be something more than that, cause I really like you.
- Hey cute girl, are you busy tomorrow night because I really want to hang out with you!
- I think I’m in love with your smile.

Corny Pickup Lines That Work
- You and me might get married one day, but for now all I got for you is hello.
- I’m not going to tell you that I have feelings because the truth is I don’t know what they are yet. But I do feel something funny in my cheeks right now.
- What’s your sign? Mine is probably super compatible with yours, so we should talk.
- I have a question, my name is ________ and what’s yours?
- We should talk, because I think you’re really cute and that’s not something I usually say to people.
- I’m sorry for speaking first again, but if you want then we can get coffee sometime.
- roses are red , violets are blue, i’m not cute but you should totally talk to me.
- When are we going to make this official? You know I’m boyfriend material, right?
- I don’t know what it is about you, but I’m looking at your cute face and just can’t stop smiling.
- Girl you make me want to sing like Michael Jackson, so I hope you’ll be my princess.
- You look cute, what’s your name?
- I’m not here to play games with you. I want something real and I know you feel the same way.

Funny Pick Up Lines
- You must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day long.
- My name is Anthony but you can call me Tony the Tiger because it rhymes with tiger.
- My dog thinks that we should be together because he howls every time you walk by me.
- How would your name sound in a song? Like “baby” or maybe like “girlfriend”?
- I’m not a stalker or creep so don’t worry about it but your cute face has been on my mind all day long since
- I know we just met half a second ago, but I think I could spend the rest of my life with you.
- I’m not good at things like this, but when it comes to cute girls, well then I am a pro!
- My love for cute girls is about as strong as your cute face and that’s pretty tough love.
- I’m just going to be honest here and say that your cute face is on my mind, so will you give me a chance? You can’t deny the attraction between us!
- How would you like to go out with a nerdy guy who doesn’t have a lot of cheesy pick up lines?
- I’m not really one to say I love you, but well then again it’s rare that I meet a girl like you so let’s just see what happens.
- You’re cute! Will you be my girlfriend or wife or something like that?
- I’m ready to follow my dreams… will you marry me?

Cute Pickup Lines
- If I had a flower for every time you made me smile, then I’d walk in my garden forever.
- Are you a light switch because when I see you, then everything in my life just gets brighter.
- I don’t like to be rude but your cute face is all that’s on my mind right now.
- You just made this day a lot nicer because of how pretty you are.
- I just wanted to say that you’re cute and I thought we should talk sometime.
- Can I buy you some coffee so we can get to know each other better?
- I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but I think you might be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.
- I hope you don’t mind me telling you this, but I think your cute smile is just the best thing ever.
- If I was your boyfriend, then I would never let you go.

Romantic Pick Up Lines
Not all lines are silly.
You can be cute and romantic, too! Sometimes it doesn’t have to be about the pickup line; rather, you can focus on making a connection with someone new.
These romantic phrases will help you do just that:
- I could get lost in your eyes for days. I hope we can talk more and hang out soon!
- You make me feel so special every time we text or chat online together.
- You’re the first person I think about when I wake up in the morning and you’re still on my mind until I go to sleep at night.
- I just started thinking about how cute your smile is, because it’s like a ray of sunshine for me every day!
- Ever since we met, there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by where I don’t think about you.
- I just realized something- we’re perfect for each other because everything in my life is better when I’m with you.
- You have such cute eyes, it makes me want to stare into them forever and never look away.
- No matter how far away we are from each other, I feel like you’re still right here with me.
- I love how cute and adorable your personality is- it’s just perfect for mine!
- I’ve never felt this way about anyone before so thank you for giving me a reason to believe in love again.
- You make the world seem less cold because I think of you as my own personal heater.
- I just wanted to tell you that I love your cute laughs- they make me feel completely better every time!

Cheesy Pick Up Lines
- You must be the sunshine because when I look at you then all of my worries disappear.
- Hey baby girl, what’s up? You’re looking really cute today, come take a look at all this boyfriend material here.
- I’m not going to lie, when I saw you from across the room my heart skipped a beat.
- I’m going to be honest with you, because when it comes to cute girls like yourself I don’t play games: You’re on fire!
- Maybe fate is trying to tell us something by putting us together for the first time. It’s like the time I got a broken pencil on that test I failed. It was meant to be.
- A pickup line is supposed to help me start a conversation with you. And I have been totally checking you out, but every time i look your way I start feeling a connection that makes me just wanna steal your heart.
- Everyone else disappears when I look at you. It’s like something is wrong with my eyes, and I want your heart because mine was just stolen.
- If only I could rearrange the alphabet to get back the words I seem to have lost. I feel like a broken pencil who no longer knows how to put words on a page. Like a broken pencil- pointless. Cause I need you to feel complete again.
- When I look at you everyone no longer matters. Picture us together, cause being without you is like being lost. Give me direction, by which I mean give me your phone number so I can write you poetry.
- A pickup line from me is not like one from everyone else. I believe in love, and a life without love is pointless. I know you are probably saying to yourself, “This guys crazy”, but you should let me take your breath away and sweep you off your feet.
- Getting lost is the least of my worries, because aside from being sexy, your beauty makes me feel so powerful I could rearrange the alphabet.
- Hey you with the face, let me tell you this story. So I scraped my knee and then this leprechaun told me to follow him. We ended up at your house so he said we could crash at your place. But then I found out that dinosaurs still exist, right? Then we found out the leprechaun’s license would get suspended for driving up a wall, so I decided to come clean and tell you that I like you. I know you like stories, so hang with me and I’ll keep you entertained

- You are so beautiful that if I was in charge of the alphabet i’d put u first because yoda only one for me.
- U and i together got fine written all over it.
- Is your dad a boxer? I just want to know how hard I have to fight for your heart.
- I could be wrong but dinosaurs still exist, I know how to start a conversation, and you like me. And I’m usually right about at least half the stuff I say.
- Hey my name’s Microsoft, and I know you are probably thinking, “Microsoft can i crash your computer so that you stop hitting on me,” but give yer boy a chance and I’ll show you the secrets hidden in the fine print.
- I only have two wishes. My first wish is for you to give me directions to your heart. And my last is that you feel my shirt, because either my heart is beating this hard because I am in love or there might be something wrong.
- I’m an astronaut and my mission is to come up with cute things to say beautiful women. So what did the parking ticket say to the work of art? “I’ll let you off with a warning if you give me your number.”
- I just came here to buy some socks but i think I should go back in the store to buy you a gift because you are gorgeous.
- I saw the name Google on a library card once and I almost pulled out my camera because every time I get that surprised I make a crazy face. What did I look like when my eyes landed on your beautiful face?
- You’ve got fine written all over your body and I’m trying to read between the lines to use what letters in the alphabet i’d put together to make you mine.
- I know if I stay here too long I’ll end up getting a parking ticket, but my parents always told me nothing lasts forever and unlike my old expired library card, I never want this feeling to go away.
- Yesterday I googled how much does a polar bear benchpress. I wanted to know how strong I’d have to be to start driving all these guys out of your life so I could have you over my place tonight.
- If I wrote a story about you then on every page you’d be fine like fine print, pretty cool like two wishes, and never ending like star wars.

Pick Up Line to Use at a Bar
- At first sight I thought you had to be fake. Are you a mirage because I can’t get enough of how cute you are?
- I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol or your cute smile, but either way I want to take advantage of this situation.
- Do you know what they call guys who have a lot of silly pick up phrases like me? They’re called charming.
- You’re cute enough that you could make me forget all of my problems tonight… like this parking ticket I just got.
- It’s not often that a girl like yourself comes across someone who can play with words the way I do- so what are you waiting for?

Pick Up Line to Use at School
- Love at first sight is a little strong, but I definitely been feeling you since we met this morning.
- I know we’re in a lecture but it’s hard to focus on anything other than how beautiful you are today.
- I know I’m not supposed to say anything but your cute laugh is making me want to talk all day long!
- Let’s break the ice and get to know each other better. What’s your favorite class in school?
- I’m going to be honest with you, I’m made of boyfriend material so it’s only a matter of time before we start dating.
- Not all these guys here are made of boyfriend material , but I’m the exception.
- You know why we would make a great pair? It’s because I’m cute and you’re cute, so together we would be twice as cute!
- Everything I’ve been searching for has been right in front of me all this time- you’re cute.

Bad Pick Up Lines
- You know what they say about girls with big eyes: They’re not lying when they cry!
- You got nothing better going on so why don’t you help me out and give me your number?
- Where are all the cute girls at? I’m just about ready to leave this party and you are my last option.
- I need a baby so bad, but since that’s not going to happen anytime soon then how about we make our own instead!
- It’s cute to see you pretending that I don’t exist. What are you afraid of?
- Do I make your heart go boom-boom like mine does when we’re together?
- Girl you so fine if you were a chicken you’d be impeccable.
Keep kicking butt on your journey in life. Hopefully this article gave you the push you need, but in case it wasn’t enough or you need a bit more, please feel free to check out a few more articles on the site. Let’s Normalize Greatness together.

Yohancé Salimu studied Geospatial Science at the United States Air Force Academy and was an Air Force pilot. After completion of his service to his country, Salimu may have taken off the uniform, but he has never ceased in his efforts to serve others. He is now a highly sought-after public speaker, and the CEO of the nonprofit scientific research organization Geospatial Q & A Inc. The corporation bolsters economic and social growth in small communities utilizing applied research.
Thank You Again For Appreciating This Article on Pick Up Lines. God Bless You.