Inspirational Quotes

68 Inspirational Quotes & Motivational Quotes | Normalize Greatness

Jun 18, 2021 | Inspirational Quotes | 1 comment

Inspirational quote about success is personal so stop comparing apples to oranges.

Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes are important to have because they shape your thoughts and mindset.


The bottom line is that positive quotes on life are important. Most folks won’t tell you their secrets from the jump, but this secret is a little different. You should know this secret, so whoever kept it from you… shame on them.

Let me tell you a quick story that makes sense to all of us. It’s very familiar too, but somehow many of us have forgotten it.


You see, back when we were all young kids we had these things called imaginations. Some of us still have ’em, and we control our lives much the same way we ruled over our imaginary childhood kingdoms.


The goal here is not to push you back into the sandbox and tell you to start making sand castles again.


The goal we are aiming for is to gift you with one of the many tools for success that we all need in this life.

Table Of Contents

Inspirational Quotes About Life And Success

Quotes 1 – 14

Quotes For Students

Quotes 15 – 22 

Leadership Quotes

Quotes 23 – 40

Success Quotes

Quotes 41 – 58

Motivational Quotes For Work

Quotes 59 – 68

ALSO… if you are on a computer or a phone you can use the side navigation menu to jump to your favorite motivation quote.

My wish for you is that by the end of this article you will feel empowered and find your new favorite inspiring quotes.

Use your new super powers to calculate your next move.

A golden reminder to bookmark good inspiring websites.


Inspirational Quotes About Life And Success

There are so many tools for success and I am glad you found this one here.

Want to know the real secret behind inspirational quotes? Take A Peep At This!


Quick Story-


I was homeless, hungry, and without a doubt one small decision away from throwing my teenage life away. And That’s when I met the biggest celebrity in the world.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson came to my neighborhood to screen his new movie, Grid Iron Gang. He stood infront of the small crowd at my local park and gave a speech. At one point he looked me right in the eyes and said the most inspiring words I have ever heard in my life.

If you want to know exactly what The Rock said to me you can grab a free copy of my award winning memoir here.

Inspirational Quotes | 68 Inspirational Quotes & Motivational Quotes 1

Please enjoy these original inspirational quotes below that I came up with 😊

Inspiring and motivational sunrise next to a positive quote on life.

1) “We Shine Bright So That Others May Shine Brighter.” 
– Yohancé Salimu

We can do so much more when our focus is not selfish. Just think how much people will do for their kids and their family. Click On This Image To Share It On Social Media

positive quote about shining bright for others with beautiful natural aurora borealis night sky in winter night.

2) “We Never Outgrow The Truth.”
– Yohancé Salimu

You and I were taught to tell the truth as kids, and some of us struggled with that. But none of us has ever or will ever outgrow the need to tell the truth. Use this quote to inspire you to keep doing the right thing. Click On This Image To Share It On Social Media

positive quote about never outgrowing the truth told at a campsite with Indian tents

3) “Find Your Peace And Live In It.”
– Yohancé Salimu

You want peace in your life, and you are very fortunate to have found a modicum of peace here. These positive quotes are the life quotes that inspire and empower your subconscious. Click On This Image Here To Share It On Social Media

qoute of the day is find your peace.

4) “Just Because Your Light Flickers Does Not Mean It’s About To Go Out.”
– Yohancé Salimu

positive quotes about the end of life being the beginning

5) “The Simplest Answer Is Usually The Correct One.”
– Yohancé Salimu

meaningful quote about life as a boy paddles his boat down the river.

6) “In This Life You Do Get Second Chances.”
– Yohance Salimu

quote about life and how in life you get a second chance.

7) “Blue Is Not A Lonely Color.”
– Yohancé Salimu

motivational quote on flowers and the color blue.

7.5) “Once Again… Blue Is Not A Lonely Color.”
– Yohancé Salimu

a beautiful thought in an inspiring qoute full of color.

8) “Find Your Natural Rhythm And Harmonize With It.”
– Yohancé Salimu

a beautiful thought in an inspiring qoute full of color.

9) “Build Upon What Impresses You And Forget What Everyone Else Thinks.”
– Yohancé Salimu

building a better you

10) “Allow Time And Circumstance Not Ego And Vanity To Reveal Your Wisdom.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Inspiring quote about wisdom vanity and ego

 11) “The Most Opportunity Lies On The Path We Set For Ourselves.”
– Yohancé Salimu

life quote in a green lush field

12) “Success Demands We Defy These Imaginary Boundaries.”
– Yohancé Salimu

motivational quotes to inspire with infinity pool background

13) “The Unafraid Dance Over The Lies Of The Wicked.”
– Yohancé Salimu

orange autumn background with halloween feel using a positive quote about life

 14) “Glide Joyfully Toward Your Next Challenge In Life.”
– Yohancé Salimu

blue background with a single dandelion for only the imaginary ones.




Quotes For Students

You will never stop learning. Which means that we are all students just trying to figure out life. The life quotes for today are good quotes to motivate and inspire students. Be open minded and ready to learn, and I promise you something grand awaits you. 

Want to know the real secret most students miss? Take A Peep At This!


Quick Story-



I remember when I was in high school how important it was for me to stay motivated. My family had lost our home and I was still afraid to call myself homeless.

I dealt with the pains of going hungry countless nights, but I still maintained good grades. Your current or past struggles may or may not be similar to mine, but regardless, I want to give you some of that same intrinsic motivation that I had way back then. 

You are on a journey that requires this deep motivation quote.
As elated as I am to serve you, I am more than sure of your excitement for the inspirational quotes I offer you here:

15) “With The Right Education You Really Could Rule The World.”
– Yohancé Salimu

amazing quote about your own dreams with inspiring image of greenery, mountains, and a volcano

16) “Reading Is Fun-To-Mental.” – Eddie Griffin

Positive energy and inspirational quotes over image of a young girl inspired while learning at aquarium

17) “There Is Always A Rainbow To Look Forward To”
– Yohancé Salimu

positive words over a hill with a rainbow

18) “Students Today Have The Real Potential To Move Mountains.”
– Yohancé Salimu

you can not only plan about life with mountain view

19) “Wanna Know A Secret? Earn It.” 
– Yohancé Salimu

develop success with hard work with images of cows on a farm

20) “A Blank Canvas Just Means You Have Not Been There Yet.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Motivational quote on the hill sides of Italy with only one motivation

21) “Find What You Are Good At And Don’t Stop Learning About It.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Motivational quote looking at the clouds and considering your own life plan

22) “Taking A Nap Under A Tree Once Helped A Guy Solve The Universe.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Motivational quote about Sir Isaac Newton having all the fun




Leadership Quotes

Your leadership skills are honed not only by the smart goals you set, but also by the motivational quotes you embody. We are all in need of motivational quotes and quotes about life.

Your quote of the day is in here, and it is your job as a leader to discover it and share it with the people on your team. 

Want to become an AMAZING leader? Take A Peep At This!


Quick Story- 


You remember the first time you were “handed the keys” ? Well I remember the first time I was “handed the keys” to the car. I was 18 years old, had just joined the military, and they asked me to lead. So they gave me the keys to the tank.

It wasn’t really a tank, but none the less I was scared to drive this big military vehicle when I just got my drivers license. I was instructed to lead before I was ready to do so. But you know what? You will never be ready. You just have to become a leader when it is your time to lead.

You want to become a better leader, so I have just what you need right here. Use these leadership quotes to hone your skills as a leader.

23) “Leaders See The Future And Help Others See It Too.”
– Yohancé Salimu

A Henry Ford quote about leadership in the mountains that Henry Ford loves

24) “Leadership Quotes – Leadership Needs Compassion To Thrive”
– Yohancé Salimu

Quote worthy of Michael Jordan on leadership from follower’s perspective

25) “Everyone Plants Seeds… Leaders Make Them Grow.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Quote about the only way all our dreams happen is if we have a starting point.

26) “Focus On The Team… That’s Leadership.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Quote about how talent wins games but the surest stepping stones are the team

27) “Be A Leader Who Never Loses The Perspective Of Those Who Follow You.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote worthy of Michael Jordan on how people rarely succeed with less than excellent work

28) “Leadership Quotes – True Leaders Do Not Shy Away From The Mirror.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote worthy of walt disney. To achieve greatness stop only limit and human race limiting voices in you

29) “Leadership Quotes – A Good Leader Sees Past The Clouds.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Steve Jobs never took a game winning shot, but was a successful person with a firm foundation on employee motivation

30) “Listen Well, And Your Followers Will Teach You To Be A Great Leader.”
– Yohancé Salimu

A determined soul has desire succeeding that unsuccessful people who own two ears lack self confidence to become a successful man

31) “Abundance Awaits A Leader With Patience.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational words on personal life worthy of Martin Luther King jr for a  successful person on either a daring adventure or who'll decide the only way for all the universe

32) “Imagine Your Future… Now Go Create It.”
– Yohancé Salimu

The only light for the right track to a happy life with doubt kills the new dream who's only limit is the closed door of Helen Keller or Winston Churchill who could die tomorrow.

33) “Asking For Help Is A Top-Tier Leadership Skill.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about dragons exist ideal life only love albert einstein more dreams world today steve jobs fairy tales good news john wooden

34) “Leaders Fuel Tomorrow’s Accomplishments Using Today’s Definitive Thoughts.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about michelle obama stay focused live forever george bernard shaw william james ordinary people users provide only action william shakespeare author unknown

35) “Discomfort For Leadership Is Proof For A Need.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about one door vincent van gogh michelle obama two rules ralph waldo emerson gotta dance theodore roosevelt world type keyword maya angelou paid commissions jim rohn babe ruth

36) “Step One To Becoming A Leader Is Sticking Your Leg Out And Taking The First Step. Questions?”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about matter stepping stone first rate version c.s lewis second rate version happiness closes extra mile moment zig ziglar happiness

37) “If You Can Keep Your Head When All About You Are Losing Theirs And Blaming It On You…You Will Be A Man My Son!”

– Rudyard Kipling

quote by Rudyard Kipling about quote about matter stepping stone first rate version c.s lewis second rate version happiness closes extra mile moment zig ziglar happiness

38) “Leadership Quotes – Ask The Right Question And No Task Remains Impossible.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote lives motivate hope failure similar content dreams courage somebody

39) “Leadership Quotes – Excite Your Team By Telling Them How Big Your Plans Really Are.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about universe conspires stay true focus achieve expect realize talent day runs present accomplish smile

40) “Leadership Quotes – Don’t Forget To Bring A Towel.”

quote about encourage direction  challenges door encouragement thinking decide waiting  thankful  wrong worry remind difference


Success Quotes 

Your Success depends on so many factors that are inside of your control.

You will eat, breath and drink water today (hopefully), and yet few if any of those actions will lead to your eventual success.

Your success is sitting right in front of you and all you have to do is want it bad enough to take action. Keep reading and I will gift you that motivation and more. 

Want to be successful in life? Take A Peep At This!


Quick Story-



Do you rewatch movies? I rewatch my favorite movie at least once a year. 
The title of my favorite movie is, “The Pursuit of Happyness”. 

There is a scene at the end of my favorite movie where actor Will Smith is walking in a crowd in busy San Fransisco. Smith has just saved his family from homelessness and poverty; and Smith is crying tears of success, joy, and happiness. 

I want that scene and that feeling for you.

You are here on my blog looking to get some of that motivation and inspiration right now. I must tell you that you are a very smart person to seek what you seek where you seek it.

Basically, these success quotes, positivity quotes, and motivational words are a secret weapon when it comes to problem solving. 


You and I are on a journey together, and I don’t mean to spoil the ending, but it looks like success.

41) “Real Success Is Rarely Tied To Money.” 
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about inspired search important thing work is to love sit business  hear  desire small things other people editorially chosen products happen vince lombardi act

42) “Push Past Being Shy And Let Your Passion Show.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about stand friends alive light earn commission friend jack canfield  progress beginning more information  succeed soul post imagine

43) “Success Doesn’t Have To Be A Lonely Road.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote on success not being lonelymiss week aim gratitude lucky fail page one thing earth failures value   circumstances boost ayn rand new day

44) “The Path Forward May Be Clear, But Success Is Never Guaranteed.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about track balance links key ability mistake  created next level  good days best thing  accept meaning write

45) “Your Hard Work And Success Will Clear A Path For Those Who Follow You.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote on rest wonderful fear power fears  risk hit achieved  motivating career

46) “There Is No ‘End’ When It Comes To Success.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote on never ending success effort  inspires trouble satisfaction spend reflect john  determination education extraordinary  stupid realized difficulty failed comments

47) “If Life’s A Beach… Then Success Means Turning Stone To Sand.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote on life’s a beach join create hate settle productive enthusiasm related mistakes sunshine react crazy limits break respect reality complete lift miracle fall life's unknown

48) “Bring Everything You Got If You Plan To Succeed.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote about planning morning yesterday comment lewis music quality missed achieving  confidence sign walk endeavors expectations leaders

49) “The Victory Doesn’t Count Unless You Can Bring A Win To Others.”
– Yohancé Salimu

quote on victory weekend  ambition deserve  listening stars imagined watching credit imagination love counts begin silent dare essence party beauty wishing hire mood excited prepare living

50) “The Obstacles You Face On The Road To Success Are Supposed To Be There.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote on obstacles and challenges

51) “It Is NOT Cheating To Use The Proper Tools To Succeed.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote on cheating

52) “Boldy Declare It Possible If You Wish To Succeed At It”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote on success

53) “Chip Away At Your Own Self Doubts And You Will Find Nothing Left But The Success You Seek.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quotes self doubt

54) “When You Reach The New Summit, Be Sure ToShare Your Story Of Success. We All Want To Hear It.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational qoute and story

55) “Success Rarely Finds Those Who Don’t At Least Talk About Practice.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quotes on practice

56) “Things Usually Go Sideways Before They Move Forward.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quotes on moving on

57) “Success Can Be A Hierarchy Or Ladder, But There Is No One Else On Your Ladder.” 
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote success is personal

58) “You Don’t Need Every Tool To Succeed, But Some Tools Make Sh*t A Lot Easier.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote about Thor


Motivational Quotes For Work

We work to make sh*t better.

You and I are goal oriented. We sacrifice; we suffer; we care.
And we do it all to make tomorrow better than today.

Want to be SUPER motivated at work? Take A Peep At This!

Quick Story-


When I got my first job I felt so fancy to be wearing a lab coat and tinkering with millions of dollars worth of brand new technology. But the nostalgia of working in that high-tech secret government laboratory faded.

The money was nice. The perks were cool.
But my real motivation came from knowing that every dime I made would go towards feeding my starving family.

We were still homeless and I was taking care of my younger brother and my ill mother. My motivation to serve others (my family) is what helped me push myself on the longest days in that cold laboratory. 

Today I want to give you some of that same motivation as you go to work. Use these motivational quotes to drive success, inspiration, and blessings into your life.


59) “When You Are Having Fun It Never Feels Like Work.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote on having fun at work

60) “We Keep Working At It And Growing So That We May Reach Our Full Potential.”
– Yohancé Salimu

Motivational Quotes For Work - We Keep Working At It And Growing So That We May Reach Our Full Potential

61) “Become Your Own Biggest Fan And Always Cheer For The Home Team.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote to help

62) “For The Right Job, (A Calling) You’d Risk It All.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote about the right job

63) “Organize Your Mind And It Will Take You Places.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote about traveling

64) “Balance Working On Work And Working On You.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote working on me

65) “Vacation Is Also Part Of The Work Schedule.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote on vacation

66) “We All Work Harder With A Goal On Our Mind.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote on goals

67) “Work With Your Nature, Not Against It.”
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote on nature

68) “Discover The Gifts Meant For You.” 
– Yohancé Salimu

inspirational quote about discovery

Thank you for reading my favorite motivational quotes for the year. I truly wish you the best in this year of uncertainty.


About Yohancé Salimu: “I take the uninspired who have no clue about true motivation from zero to insanely motivated with a click of a mouse.”

Salimu is a fighter, a survivor, and a winner. Salimu graduated from Crenshaw High in Los Angeles, California and went on to study Geospatial Science at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Upon completion of his training and earning his degree in 2016, Salimu was commissioned as an officer into the Air Force piloting Remotely Piloted Aircraft such as the RQ-4 Global Hawk, as well as the MQ-9 Reaper. After completion of his service to his country, Salimu may have taken off the uniform, but he has never ceased in his efforts to serve others. He is now a highly sought-after public speaker, as well as the President and CEO of the nonprofit scientific research organization Geospatial Q & A Inc. The corporation bolsters economic and social growth in small communities utilizing applied research. 

Thank You Again For Appreciating My Inspirational Quotes And Motivational Quotes. God Bless You.